• Zara·Zachrisson     雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险——如果我们团结,总会有办法解决问题!

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events is a 2004 American black comedy fantasy film directed by Brad Silberling. It is a film adaptation of A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket covering the first three books The Bad Beginning The Reptile Room and The Wide Window. The film stars Jim Carrey as the villainous Count Olaf who adopts three wealthy orphan siblings in an attempts to steal their late parents' fortune.The film received generally favorable reviews from critics grossed approximately $209 million worldwide and won the Academy Award for Best Makeup.


    当银行家Mr Poe(蒂莫西·斯波饰)告知他们的父母葬身于一场诡异的大火里之后,虽然心里有无数个疑问,但还是跟着Mr Poe来到了第一站——**他们的第一个亲戚Count Olaf(金·凯瑞饰)家里。于是,当他们推门进去的时候,伯爵用着一种咏叹调式的语气说道:
    Count Olaf: Ah! My dear... [looks at stick figures of the children with their names on his hands] Violet. Enchanté.
    Violet: Um... how do you do?
    Count Olaf: And this must be Klaus. [grabs at Klaus' face and looks at each side of it] Young Klaus. Your left side is the good one. [begins to mess with Klaus' bottom lip and then notices Sunny] And uh...what is this?
    Sunny: [in baby talk subti<x>tled] I'm Sunny.
    Count Olaf: I'm sorry. I don't speak monkey! [mimicking a baby] Banana?
    Sunny: I'm not a monkey!
    Violet: Sunny's our little sister.
    Count Olaf: I must say you are a gloomy looking bunch. Why so glum?
    Klaus: Our parents just died.
    Count Olaf: Ah yes of course. How very very awful. Wait! Let's do that one more time! Bring me the line again! Quickly while it's still fresh in my mind.
    Klaus: [confused] Our parents just... died?
    Count Olaf: [overacting gasp] Mr. Poe... I shall raise these orphans as if they were actually wanted.

    Violet: Are you okay?
    Klaus: No. [walks away]
    Violet: Where are you going?
    Klaus: Home.
    Violet: This is our home now.
    Klaus: This is not our home. Home is where your parents teach you to ride a bike. Where they tuck you into bed at night or when the get all choked up on your first day of school. This is not home! How could they do this to us?
    Violet: They're just bad people.
    Klaus: Not them. Mom and Dad.
    Violet: Klaus!
    Klaus: Well you're thinking it too Violet! How could they?
    Violet: Do you remember when Mum and Dad went to Europe and we thought they'd abandoned us because they didn't even write? And then we found out they'd written a long letter and it had just gotten lost in the mail. Do you remember how guilty we felt for thinking bad thoughts about them? This is just like that.
    Klaus: [sadly] No it's not.
    Violet: Why?
    Klaus: Because they're not in Europe... and they're not coming back.

    violet和Klaus运用才智逃过了一劫,随后到达的Mr Poe发现sunny正坐在驾驶室的位子上,这让Mr Poe很不高兴,并说他监护失职,violet解释道,
    Mr. Poe: I'm sorry Count Olaf. Allowing a child of Sunny's age to drive a car is simply not good parenting.
    Klaus: He tried to kill us!
    Mr. Poe: Let us not exaggerate Klaus. The vehicle was not even in gear.
    Count Olaf: [to Mr. Poe] May I have a moment alone with the children? [Mr. Poe nods in agreement.] Goodbye kids. It's been fun. [leans farther into car window and whispers angrily] I'm going to get you. No matter where you go no matter what you do I'll find you! Oh you are so deceased! [turns from car puts eye drops in eye and turns to Mr. Poe] Take them Mr. Poe... before I lose it big time!
    Mr Poe取消了伯爵的监护权,并把它们带往下一个亲戚家:爬虫学家莫迪叔叔家。并且发现他的皮带上也挂着一个和他们的父母一模一样的望远镜.


    Count Olaf (as Captain Sham): [to Violet] Are you jiggin' me girl? [to Aunt Josephine] Why perhaps it's just the ramblings of an expert fisherman but grammar is the number one most important thing in this here world to me.
    Aunt Josephine: It is?
    Sunny: [in baby talk] Is she desperate?
    Count Olaf: It's the whole ball of wax. The entire kit and caboodle. Why without your good grammar the whole darn shootin' match could go arse over tea kettle.
    Aunt Josephine: Well you can certainly turn a phrase.
    Count Olaf: I can flip it up and rub it down too. But of course that'd be entirely up to you ma'am. Captain Sham at your servie ma'am.

    So sad,right?但是还远远不止.姐弟俩划船去找姑妈,好说歹说才把受惊过度的姑妈说服,走出了战栗之洞。祸不单行,很快的,他们碰上了悲哀水蛭.它们蜂拥而至,在船沉之前,伯爵出现了,他说了一大通拥有一个美好的未来之类的话(反正我是没听出来...),之后,Klaus说道:
    Klaus: You're going to need assistance when you get back to town. Aunt Josephine is going to tell everyone what happened!
    Count Olaf: And then I'll be arrested and sent to jail and you'll live happily ever after with a friendly guardian spending your time inventing things and reading books and sharpening your little monkey teeth and bravery and nobility will prevail at last and this wicked world will slowly but surely become a place of cheerful harmony and everybody will be singing and dancing and giggling like the Littlest Elf! A happy ending! Is that what you had in mind? Because I hardly think anyone is going to believe a dead woman.
    Aunt Josephine:NononoI won't tell anybody anythingI promise.please don't throw me to the leeches.you can have the fortuneyou can have the children.
    Violet:Aunt Josephine!Please!
    Count Olaf:Welcome aboardhot potato...
    Aunt Josephine:I'll go awayI'll dye my hairI'll change my name.
    Violet:But what about us?
    Count Olaf:Quiet childrenthe adults are talking.I suppose I don't have to kill you.
    Aunt Josephine:No.
    Count Olaf:On the other handwith that little stunt of yours at the windowyou hadn't been a very trustworthy person.butI could shoe a little mercy.
    Aunt Josephine:Ohheaven't
    Count Olaf:What?
    Aunt Josephine:You said hadn'tThat's bsd grammaryou should've saidyou heaven't been a very trustworthy person.
    Count Olaf:Thank you for correcting me.
    Aunt Josephine:Not at all.

    但是Klaus坚信总会有办法的,于是,在他们演戏的时候,Klaus抓紧时间解救sunny,当他爬上了阁楼的时候,一束阳光正好透过阁楼最上方的窗户一扇一扇的折射了下来,Klaus发现最后一扇聚焦的窗户刚好对着他们的别墅的废墟,他想起了Mr Poe告诉他们父母去世的不幸的消息,之后,伯爵的帮凶出现在他的后面,他的话语中坦诚了是他烧毁了他们的家,也烧死了他们的父母.最后,伯爵发现事情败露了,索性承认了他安排这场话剧就是为了和Violet结婚以得到波特莱尔家的遗产,在Mr Poe要警察逮捕他的时候,伯爵说孩子们不止一次告诉你他是有多危险了,但是Poe就是不听,反而纵容伯爵继续作恶,所以Mr Poe也是帮凶,而这一纸婚约完全可以让伯爵拥有遗产了,Mr Poe完全无能为力.这反倒让Mr Poe语塞而不敢动手了,终于,阳光再次射进阁楼里,Klaus利用聚焦原理将伯爵手里的婚约烧毁,这让Mr Poe有了逮捕他的理由,伯爵终于落网,波特莱尔家的孩子们胜利了.

    Dearest children
    since we've been abroad,we have missed you all so much.Certain events have compelled us to extend our travels.One day, when you're older,you will learn all about the people we've befriended。and the dangers we have faced.At times, the world can seem an unfriendly and sinister place.But believe us when we say that there is much more good in it than bad.is look hard enough.And what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events。may in fact be the first steps of a journey.We hope to have you back in our arms soon, darlings.But in case this letter arrives before our return, know that we love you.It fills us with pride to know that no matter what happens in this life。that you three will take care of each other。with kindness and bravery and selflessness,as you always have.And remember one thing, my darlings, and never forget it:That no matter where we are, know that as long as you have each other,you have your family,and you are home.
    Your loving parents.
    Dear reader, there are people in the world who know no misery and woe. And they take comfort in cheerful films about twittering birds and giggling elves. There are people who know that there's always a mystery to be solved. And they take comfort in researching and writing down any important evidence. But this story is not about such people. This story is about the Baudelaires. And they are the sort of people who know that there's always something. Something to invent, something to read, something to bite, andsomething to do, to make a sanctuary, no matter how small. And for this reason, I am happyto say, the Baudelaires were very fortunate indeed.
    世界上有些人,他们不懂什么叫悲惨,却沉迷于欢乐的电影中,对叽叽喳喳的鸟儿和咯咯笑的精灵感到宽心。 也许有人知道,秘密总会被揭开,他们致力于研究,并记录一切重要的证据,但这个故事描写的并不是这类人。这个故事描写的是波特莱尔一家,他们是这样一类人,他们知道总会有办法,总会发明点什么,总会读点什么书,咬点什么东西,总会有办法找到避难所,无论多么狭小。 正是由于这个原因,我们才能幸福地讲,波特莱尔一家实际上非常幸运.

    这个故事很精彩,它汇聚了裘花(Jude.Law),艾米莉·布朗宁,连姆·艾肯,梅姨(Meryl Streep),金·凯瑞,詹妮佛·库里奇{Mayday Mayday,Sophie来袭...),达斯汀·霍夫曼等人共同演绎,这个故事看似黑暗但是仍旧存在笑点,总是给人一种柳暗花明的感觉,这个故事教会了我们很多,只要团结,是没有什么困难可以难倒我们的;当然,邪恶也是永远战胜不了正义的。
    看完了故事之后,那么来一首钢琴曲放松一下吧,Have a good night!


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