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    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    How am I going to take action to
    make the world a better place
    for people, animals and nature?

    - By CrossCountry


    Looking over the relationship between people, animals and nature nowadays, the importance they have to each other remains significant, yet certain things changed. The link between the three is balanced by the respect each side has for the others, as we respect the resources in the nature and the lives in the wild, we maintain a healthy relationship with nature and animals. However, when we started to ignore this “basic etiquette”, we scar the scale and this is what’s happening all around the globe as these words of mine are being typed out.


    In this day of advanced technology, communication becomes a lot easier, the internet makes it possible to reach the people at the other side of the world, this gives us an opportunity to encourage people go into actions, not just our friends and relatives, but also thousands and millions of people out there. Learning to use the limited advantages around us is the first step to heal this fragile link, by using various design apps to create websites and sharing them through all types of communication apps, the message of ours may be spread from phones to phones and ideas may reverberate through different communities.


    Yet this way has some limitations, for example, the people don’t relate with other through the Internet and those who prefer verbal face-to-face talking instead of machines or sending signals back and forth. For these people, they can try to write their ideas down in a Letter of Advice and send them to your local Green Management Offices when you notice that your community is lack of green area and parks if it’s in a city, or suggest afforestation if it’s the countryside.


    (Bad British accent😂😳)

    Nevertheless, sometimes the most effective way is to take actions right away. When you are in a supermarket, there’s so many plastic bags used and wasted everyday, yet you always have a choice to avoid using them by bringing your own environmental-friendly bag. This is just a very small thing in our life, but trickle thin flows of water converge into sea, the power of one may not be vital, yet when everyone starts to follow your lead, the results will be very significant. This is from a different perspective, instead of pointing out the flaws of others, we pick out the mistakes of our own, start from finishing our dishes everyday, or being a vegetarian, after we adjust ourselves to this new lifestyle, we can share the amazing experience with others, so that we can positively enjoy embracing the nature instead of negatively judging the ignorance of others.

    Do as our hearts tell us to, restore the healthy relationship human used to maintain with nature and animals, for it’s our ultimate goal and responsibility as the youth generation.


    Hope you guys enjoyed it!😄


    1970-01-01   23赞       1踩       577浏览 评论(18)


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