• JULIE·Mlle     【奥斯卡?专题】The Ellen Show ?

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    没看过奥斯卡最佳影片提名的8部影片! ❓
    没关系📣 Ellen帮你简单介绍影片~

    明星们走红毯 最让人期待的是谁?谁?谁?

    当然是Jennifer Lawrence啦~

    今年奥斯卡的热点🔥之一就是 小!李!子!

    看过火星救援吗 那Ellen版的你有看过吗~


    1⃣THE BIG SHORT(大空头)

    Four outsiders to Wall Street use what are sometimes perceived as eccentric insights into the U.S. financial markets to predict the meltdowns of the housing market and big banks in 2008. Betting together on the coming catastrophe the quartet manages to invest shrewdly and amass a fortune all while exposing the corruption of several large financial institutions.


    2⃣BRIDGE OF SPIES (间谍之桥)

    In 1957 in the midst of the Cold War New York insurance lawyer James Donovan is enlisted to provide a pro-bono defense for Rudolf Abel who is accused of spying for the Russians. The CIA then sends Donovan to East Berlin to conduct precarious negotiations with the Soviets to exchange Abel for a recently captured U.S. Air Force pilot Francis Gary Powers.


    3⃣BROOKLYN (布鲁克林)

    In 1952 Eilis Lacey leaves Ireland to immigrate to Brooklyn where she has a better chance of finding work. Crushed by homesickness Eilis finds her spirits lifted by an Italian-American suitor with whom she falls in love. When she must return to Ireland Eilis is courted by a hometown boy and finds herself torn between two countries and the two men who love her.


    4⃣Mad Max: Fury Road (疯狂的麦克斯4)

    Years after an apocalypse has devastated the world Australia has become a wasteland ruled by outlaws hoarding fuel water and other resources. Desperate to escape a tyrant called Immortan Joe loner Max Rockatansky joins forces with Imperator Furiosa who is fleeing from Joe and his fanatical followers with a precious cargo that she has smuggled from Joe's stronghold.


    5⃣The Martian (火星救援)

    Astronaut Mark Watney is presumed dead and left behind when an unexpected storm hits Mars forcing his crewmates to abandon their mission. Watney a botanist must engineer ways to feed himself and survive the harsh environment and after he reestablishes communication with NASA scientists around the globe race against time to rescue him.


    6⃣The Revenant(荒野猎人)

    While on a danger-laden journey through the American wilderness in the early 1800s frontiersman Hugh Glass is badly mauled by a grizzly and abandoned by his fellow trappers. Barely surviving his wounds Glass is driven by thoughts of his family and a desire for revenge as he endures the frigid winter and pursues the men who left him for dead.


    7⃣Room (房间)

    A young woman who has been held in captivity in a small shed for seven years tries to make as normal a life as she can for her five-year-old son Jack who knows her only as "Ma." When Ma and Jack escape their captor Old Nick they must cope with the outside world and forge relationships with Ma's conflicted family.

    该片根据艾玛·唐纳修(Emma Donoghue)的同名小说改编,讲述了布里·拉尔森饰演的女孩玛(Ma)被邻居所骗,之后被囚禁在一个狭小的房间里长达七年之久。在此期间她遭到强奸,并生下了儿子杰克(Jack)。和所有妈妈一样,玛也竭尽全力为孩子创造一个安全和开心的成长氛围,虽然他们被困在一个不到10平米的房间里,但通过幻想玛为儿子创造了一个神奇的世界。不过随着一天天长大,杰克的好奇心使他不再满足于这个世界,于是玛精心策划、带着杰克逃出了那个囚禁他们的房间。然而,逃出来后这对脱离社会太长时间的母子才发现,现实世界才是最让他们害怕的。

    8⃣Spotlight (聚焦)

    In 2001 the journalists of The Boston Globe's Spotlight team begin investigating Father John Geoghan who is accused of molesting more than 80 boys. As they dig deeper and acknowledge their paper's own failings the team uncovers a conspiracy of lawyers and government officials who helped the Boston Archdiocese hide the pedophilia of many priests and deny justice to the victims.


    看完奥斯卡最佳影片提名的电影 🎬


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