• 拿着锤子的老司机     If you know who you are,then tell me.?

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    If i ask you,who you are,what will you answer me?I promise you will say"so easy!"or "What a funny question!"

    BUT,let us sit down and think about it.Yeah
    ,who am i? !

    Let me tell you a story.

    I'm sorry that i can't tell this story clearly and by myself.But as you know,i call it "UNIVERSE".It's certainly a beautiful story,and it's large,majestic and sophistication.Then look at us,we are too small to compare with it,right?

    See,it's not easy to know who you are,unless you can stand fall over on the tallest.
    So,can you be sure who you are now?

    A living creature?

    A molecule?

    Or a small to no longer amall particles?
    It's too difficult for us to solve it,isn't it?


    Well,the answer is not so important.And we also shouldn't worry about it although we don't have any planet to stop and see you on earth.


    Because you don't have to prove to someone who you are,you just have to be yourself.




    My darling,remember who you are in your opinion.



    1970-01-01   13赞       0踩       941浏览 评论(11)
男 中级配角lv27


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