• Bananaららるる     大自然在说话系列之家:瑞西•威瑟斯彭献声?

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    This planet is our one and only home🏡.

    We have no other choice — we must care for it.

    继由好莱坞男演员伊恩·萨默海尔德(Ian Somerhalder)配音的《珊瑚礁》、李·佩斯(Lee Pace)配音的《山》发布后,由奥斯卡金像奖最佳女主角瑞茜·威瑟斯彭(Reese Witherspoon)演绎的《家园》发布。


    “通过为大自然发声,我希望让大家意识到人类需要大自然,我们要珍惜大自然馈赠给我们的礼物。” 瑞茜·威瑟斯彭说道。

    Today(2016.03.23), Conservation International (CI) unveiled a new short film called “Home,” voiced in English by Academy Award-Winning actress Reese Witherspoon and in French by Academy Award-winning actress Marion Cotillard.

    Both versions of the film debuted at the United Nations Momentum for Change Awards ceremony at the climate negotiations in Paris.

    It is the newest addition to CI’s award-winning “Nature Is Speaking” short film series. “Home” was produced to remind negotiators and world leaders at the climate talks of our common duty — how to care for the Earth that cares for us all.

    “By lending my voice to nature, I hope to remind people at this critical moment that people need nature and its great gifts,” said Reese Witherspoon.

    “This Earth is our shared home, our only home. The time to safeguard its future — and with it our own future — is right now,” said Marion Cotillard.
    『From PRWEB』


    Climate change is reshaping human civilization. How we respond will determine the future of our species.

    Scientists estimate that by 2050, we need to reduce worldwide emissions to at least half of their 1990 levels in order to avoid further harmful impacts from climate change.

    It’s an urgent challenge, and it requires an equally urgent response. To this end, CI has been pioneering ways to help communities adapt to challenges like rising sea levels, severe storms and more frequent flooding.

    We also develop new ways of farming that support a healthy environment, minimize climate impacts and create a better quality of life for farmers.

    『From CI』










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