• DaCheese     The Weakness of Strength_Episode 3

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    🎉Hi guys, welcome to the third Episode of Moral Forum!!!🎉

    📜"Friends", we all have them, a lot sometimes, but the ones that we truly share everything with, overcome every difficulty with, not so much.

    😊Have a life-time buddy is always XC's ultimate goal, by the way.

    🔍Why is true friend so hard to come by? 🤔👇👇👇

    📖📌The truth is that our mind is playing a trick on us, our mind has a tendency to pick other people's virtues over their flaws, so when we find out their weakness, we see them as unnatural, as freakish.

    📜Obviously, this led to a series of struggles of acceptance, and that results in the fading of a beautiful friendship.

    🗞The video below uses an actual story of Ivan Turgenev to deliver a message:

    📍The inevitability of flaws within people's personality.👇👇👇👇

    📓And in the end, back to the "friendship crisis":

    👇The only thing it takes is just one step backwards! Acceptance can clear whatever obstacle ahead. Because......

    👇Perfect people, just simply, don't exist!!!!!!👇👇👇

    And lastly, we are just going to have a little update of "The Most Dangerous Game"!!! 🎉😊👇👇👇

    😉Thank you all for your support and hope you guys enjoy the special approach today!

    📝(Notice: The Moral Forum is so productive right now is because it's weekends, once it's weekdays again, the episodes won't be so frequently any more, thanks for the understanding.) ☺️

    And here's my buddings for the video clips, two of them are 0%, which is "Great"!😅😂 Anyway, hope you guys like them! Thanks!😊

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