• DaCheese     "焦虑症" 揭秘?Part 2-Moral Forum_Episode 5

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》



    Meritocracy n.


    📌Merit n. 价值,优点:

    📜我们的特长优点是别人评价我们的标准, 同时也是我们专业主修发展的奠基石。


    🔍"Assuming", "following", something that we always do.

    📝We assume the truth as the way we wish them to be. We follow the trend of the society.

    📍We believe that merits are given to those who deserve them, and that belief just leads us to the conclusion that people who are without them and unsuccessful deserve to be that way as well.

    📍The third video clip of "Status Anxiety" tells us that:

    🏷We are used to be a believer of meritocracy that we don't even realize that we are crushing a dream of future someone in this world has, because we give them the final judgement before the trial even begun.

    那么我们如何应对这种社会上的偏见呢? 🤔


    1️⃣"First off, by refusing believe that any society really can be meritocratic."


    2️⃣"Secondly, make up your own definition of success instead of uncritically leaning society's."


    3️⃣"Thirdly, and most importantly, we should refuse to let our outer achievements define our sense of self entirely."


    Here goes the resolution video:👇👇

    Thank you all for your cooperation! See you guys in the next episode! 😊

    Before you go, listen to the little talk down there: 👇👇😉


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