• 可可大人     《破产姐妹》里的那些事儿~01

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    Han: It's payday.And I'm not talking about the delicious little treat with nut.

    treat这个词有 治疗,款待的意思。
    delicious treat用美味款待,比如Make a very delicious treat for your family.

    acorn橡果 almond杏仁 chestnut栗子 walnut核桃

    !!还可以表达对某件事很着迷(go) nots for sb./sth.(处于痴迷的状态。。注意nut要加s)

    Max: Han not cool to brag about yourself.
    brag 自大,吹嘘;not前省略了it's 表示如此brag yourself可不好

    Han: Here,Max maybe you can use the money to buy a new attitude.(Max的吐槽功力是极为强大的,感觉她的生活处处是槽点)

    Max: "new attitude"?Isn't that the name of the boy band you're in?

    Han: And Oleg you'll notice I docked your pay'cause you didn't even come in yesterday.

    dock 指工资的削减,码头(船的停靠处,因此还有电脑工具的停靠栏)
    in yesterday in这里作为强调
    1.All the planes were socked in yesterday because of the thick mist;2.My new ship sailed in yesterday;
    3.The seats and the windshield went in yesterday

    Oleg: I told youI was working from home.(可以自行脑补Oleg这个猥琐男在家。。。额工作?)

    Han: There you go Earl.Don't spend it all in one place.

    Earl: You think you pay me enough to spend it in two places?(那个老黑人,看来这个薪水是有够少的。。。)

    Coraline:Oh my God, this is less than it cost me to get here today.And I walk.(这夸张的比喻,老板这抠的)

    Max: I know! That's all I made?What's this?"12 years a waitress"?(电影《为奴12年》电影讲述一个生活在纽约的黑人,遇到两个人,他们许诺在华盛顿帮他找一份工作,到了华盛顿才发现自己被诱拐绑架了,从此开始了他的奴隶生涯)
    I know在口语表达中还有我同意的意思

    Han: With youit's more like "12 beers a shift."
    啥?beer a shift啤酒的转变?想想看12瓶啤酒一块移动,一块转换(暂时用转换这个词吧。。)我觉得大概就是说Max比较壮吧,这美国人的脑洞真的是。。。

    Max: So many words so little everything else.
    这里有个明显的连读 litt-leveything

    1970-01-01   12赞       1踩       830浏览 评论(6)
女 中级龙套lv7


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