• ZhuolinGu     (每天朗读BBC)Too much stuff 物质主义和简约主义

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    大家好,我叫Zhuolin, 我非常喜欢bbc的英语发音,如果你也喜欢的话,我们一起每天来朗读一点bbc吧👍😄😄🌸🌸💖🌺💝💕


    Do you have too many pairs of shoes or old gadgets lying around your home? I'm sure many of us have too much stuff that we don't really use and when it starts getting out of hand, it really is time to do some spring cleaning to de-clutter our lives.

    However, deciding which items to get rid of can be tricky especially if you are materialistic, believing that physical possessions are the most important thing in life. Also, some people are sentimental about letting go of their personal property. But if you haven't got room in your house to move, it's time to evaluate what is really important to you and decide what are your prized possessions and what is just junk.

    Instead of just chucking it away and filling up landfill sites, items could be recycled or given to a charity to re-sell. You could also make some money by using websites where people are willing to pay for second-hand goods. Some people have taken a minimalist approach, deliberately trying to keep life simple. Bea Johnson, author of Zero Waste Home, has done this. She says "we've asked really true questions, and evaluated every single thing that we have. There is nothing that we overlooked. I even came to look at my vegetable peeler for example and asked myself, 'do I really need that vegetable peeler'?"

    Of course, if you're a shopaholic or a fashion-victim it's hard to stop buying and shopping online makes purchasing stuff very easy. James Wallman is a writer and journalist – he questions what we actually need. He says "I'm not anti-stuff – stuff is good. I'm anti too much stuff and I'm anti the wrong stuff. Don't go out and buy that labelled good that you think is going to make people think something more of you. That's not going to make you happy."

    This sounds like good advice. It's good to take stock of what we have and what we really need. But there are still some things I just can't face parting company with; my CD collection, even though I now download my music, and my childhood teddy bear. What about you – have you got something that you just can't throw away?


    getting out of hand 失去控制
    spring cleaning 彻底打扫,大扫除
    de-clutter 整理,清除杂物
    get rid of 扔掉、丢弃
    materialistic 追求物质的,拜金的
    sentimental 感情用事的,多愁善感的
    prized possessions 珍贵的财产、物品
    junk 垃圾、没用的东西
    chucking it away 把它扔掉
    landfill sites 垃圾填埋场
    recycled 回收利用的
    minimalist 简约主义的
    overlooked 忽略了,没有考虑到的
    shopaholic 购物狂
    fashion-victim 盲目追求时尚的人
    labelled 贴了(名牌)标签的
    take stock 仔细考虑,作出判断
    parting company 与…分离

    1970-01-01   4赞       0踩       433浏览 评论(2)


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