• rendyhan     such is life

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    (Such is life ,simple but ruthless )

    One day, when I was gone
    those who hate me, danced with joy
    those who love me, drowned in tears

    the second day,
    my body was berried deep head west
    those who hate me, took a glimpse with smirk
    those who love me, resisted the urge to look again

    one year on, my body was decomposed
    my grave was stroke by wind and rain
    those who hate me still burst into fury at the mere mention of me
    those who love me wepted their deepest sorrow in deep night

    my body was gone ten years later, leaving nothing but some scare bones
    those who hate me barely remembered my name, and totally forgot my look
    those who love me to death, poised a little silence
    life vagued everything in it

    decades later, my grave disappeared into nothing, leaving but a bunch of wasteland
    those who hate me, forgot all about me
    those who love me, stepped into their graves too

    I became a none to this world
    I struggled all my life, bringing nothing with me when I was gone
    I persisted all my life, not a bit of glory or love being with me when I left

    rich or poor, this is the destination whatever
    looking back, my life seemed to be nothing
    I wanna cry, yet not a sound could be heard
    I wanna a repent, but it's too late

    live your life with your own heart
    ignore others' opinion
    all is for yourself
    each happy day counts
    treasure the most-treasured in heart
    a lifetime is just a second
    man are just a handful of sand, eventually

    1970-01-01   3赞       0踩       231浏览 评论(1)
女 资深配角lv34


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