• Gloryria-     modern family notes 3

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    Curfew 宵禁、宵禁令、晚钟
    Well ,you know,we didn't want to break curfew.你知道的,我们并不想破坏门禁的规定

    Crap 屎、废话
    Your father used to scare the crap out of me

    Sneaking adj 鬼鬼祟祟的、私下的、卑鄙的
    Sneak vt 偷偷的做、偷偷取得
    Eg:well ,evidently not enough to keep you from sneaking in.

    I'll walk you out 我送你出去

    We were stalled 我们失控了

    What the heck happened in here (heck 是hell 的委婉说法)

    That's impressive!(adj 感人的、令人钦佩的、给人以深刻印象的)

    Stuck stick(刺)的过去式~
    Adj 被卡住的
    I got stuck at the office

    Fix it 搞定它

    My gals 我的女儿们

    Wimpy adj 懦弱的、无用的~
    Bouncer N 保镖
    You said it made me look like a wimpy bouncer

    They expire tomorrow ~明天就要到期了

    Blown Adj 吹制的、吹出的 盛开的
    I was just as blown away as you are 我当时和你一样凌乱

    Stripper N 脱衣舞女

    gavel N (拍卖商、法官、议长用的)小木锤
    Go get your gavel 尽情评论吧!

    Kids say cruel things 童言无忌

    Pretty soon you're gonna be north of 40.

    Scrapbook 剪贴簿

    You were freaking out !
    Freak N 怪人!怪事、Adj。奇异的、反常的

    Nanny N 保姆 母山羊
    Doesn't Tom have a housekeeper and a nanny?

    1,N 驼峰、驼背、小山丘
    2,Vi 隆起 引起
    Hump day !今天才周三!

    Scrambled eggs 炒鸡蛋

    You can't just spring this on me 你不能突然这样对我
    Spring (Vi。突然提出)

    You are still grounded 你还在关禁闭呢!
    Ground Vt 限制外出

    Shot N 镜头 发射。炮弹。射手
    I say we give her a shot 我们让他试一次吧

    Hilarious adj 欢闹的。非常滑稽的。
    Ridiculous 可笑的 荒谬的
    It's hilarious !这真是太搞笑了

    That was a fluke 那只是个意外
    Fluke N 侥幸

    Booze N 酒 酒宴
    Vi 豪饮。痛饮
    ~~more booze!~~ 加酒

    That is so lame (跛足的、差劲的)
    You have a darling figure 你的身材好极了!

    Scorcher N 大热天 炎热的天
    It's gonna be a scorcher

    Chop chop ! 快速的!快点

    Outlet mall 折扣商场 批发商店

    Don't be ridiculous! 别逗了!

    Relate V 叙述
    Vi 认同 符合 涉及
    I can relate to that !这点我同意


    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       93浏览 评论(1)


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