• Scofield2015     口语常见中式英文错误

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    如果让你跟老外借用一下手机,你会怎么说呢?Can I borrow your phone????这是绝对不正确滴!!亲爱的你有躺枪吗?

    1. 你的外套破了

    错误: Your coat is broken.

    正确: Your coat is torn.

    2. 总之苏珊没有错。

    错误: Susan didn't make a faultanyway.

    正确: Susan didn't make a mistakeanyway.

    3. 能借用一下你的电话吗?

    错误: May I borrowyour phone?

    正确: May I useyour phone?

    4. 他有所好转。

    错误: He becomesbetter.

    正确: He gotbetter.

    5. 外面天还亮着。

    错误: It was still brightoutside.

    正确: It was still lightoutside.

    6. 在美国,一般学生都不穿校服。

    错误: Common students in U.S. don't wear uniform.

    正确: The average students in U.S. don't wear uniform.

    7. 这道沙拉是谁做的?

    错误: Who cooked this salad?

    正确: Who made this salad?

    8. 让我给你把把脉。

    错误: Let me examine your pulse.

    正确: Let me feel your pulse.

    9. 我把帽子忘在屋里了。

    错误: I forgot my hat in the house.

    正确: I left my hat in the house.

    10. 你读大学了吗?

    错误: Did you attendcollege?

    正确: Did you go tocollege?

    11. 他失去意识很长时间了。

    错误: He lost consciousness for a long time.

    正确: He was unconscious for a long time.

    12. 她婚姻很幸福。

    错误: Her marriage was happy.

    正确: Her married life was happy


    错误: Is this seat empty?

    正确: Is this seat taken?

    14. 我看他面熟。

    错误: I know his face.

    正确: I know him by sight.

    15. 我的手表不走了,我得拿去检查下。

    错误: My watch doesn't move at all. I must get it checked up.

    正确: My watch isn't running. I must get it checked up.

    16. 不要对我期望太多。

    错误: Don't expect me too much.

    正确: Don't expect too much from me.

    17. 给我点钱吧,如果你有的话。

    错误: Give me some money, if you have.

    正确: Give me some money, if you have any.

    18. 借我点钱吧,比方说 500 美元。

    错误: Lend me some money please, for instance 500 dollars.

    正确: Lend me some money please, say 500 dollars.

    1970-01-01   19赞       1踩       551浏览 评论(5)
男 魔仙lv73


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