• 名言警句專屬號     JJ老师带你练口语 对某人恶作剧

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    play/pull a prank on sb

    play a joke/trick on sb

    I need to talk to my sister, alone.

    How do I look?

    You gave Sophia the trick shoes on purpose.

    If I recall, you played a prank on her, too.

    What you did wasn't a prank.
    She needed those dance lessons.
    You're trying to ruin her ball, and I know why.

    Because she doesn't belong here?

    No, because everyone likes her more than you.
    And after what you did today, so do I.

    You don't mean that.

    Yes, I do.


    1970-01-01   6赞       2踩       3269浏览 评论(8)


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