• 韩雪Cecilia     娱乐没有圈S02E06:2017超级大片年(上)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》



    Though 2016 has already been an epic year for movies, it almost feels like a warm-up when you look at the long list of blockbuster films already on the release calendar for 2017. Let's line up some of the biggest upcoming releases—and whether you're into action, comedy, horror, or drama, there's something here for everyone.


    由超人、蝙蝠侠、神奇女侠、生化人、海王、闪电侠等组成的《正义联盟 Justice League》,绝对是明年影片中卡司最强大的。这一次DC漫画几乎把自家的招牌英雄都拉进了这部电影。


    Marvel has done a brilliant job of laying out the template for a successful shared universe, and now Warner Bros. is following in its rival's footsteps with its DC Comics properties, which are due to get their first moments in the all-star superhero team spotlight with Justice League.
    Director Zack Snyder has already confirmed members of the cast include stars from the studio's pre-existing franchises, including Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman. While don't yet have any idea what danger our team will face, you can bet the battle won't end here.


    还记得那个由人类、浣熊、树精、以及外星人组成的银河护卫队吗?把一部不怎么有名的动漫改编成一部2亿美元成本的电影,最后获得全球7.75亿的票房回报,让《银河护卫队 Guardians of the Galaxy》成了和《复仇者联盟》同等量级的超级大片。


    Initially, it seemed like a hilariously dumb idea for Marvel to turn a relatively obscure comic about a ragtag team of intergalactic do-gooders into a $200 million movie. Nearly $775 million in box office receipts later, Guardians of the Galaxy could be the start of an Avengers-style franchise for the studio. The gang's all back for Vol. 2, along with writer-director James Gunn, and while we don't have any idea what they'll be up to this time around, we're confident it'll be tons of fun.


    2015年口碑爆棚的《王牌特工 Kingsman》终于迎来了续集,这次英国的王牌特工将与美国的同行们联手对付敌人,不按常理出牌的英国绅士特工们,这次又会带来怎样的惊喜呢~


    Rumor has it that the Kingsman British spy will team up with their American equivalents after their headquarters are destroyed by a lethal foe. But who needs a synopsis when you've got a cast this intriguingly weird and fabulous?
    Returning stars Taron Egerton, Mark Strong, and Sophie Cookson are joined by an eclectic ensemble that includes Channing Tatum, Halle Berry, Julianne Moore, Jeff Bridges, and Elton John. Also the Kingsman Colin Firth who has been killed in the original, is the biggest surprising addition. So whatever happens in The Golden Circle, we're betting it won't be dull.




    From its humble beginnings as a cartoon about a funny-looking supervillain who sets out to steal the moon and ends up adopting three adorable kids, Despicable Me has grown into an very impressively adaptable franchise.
    Details are still very sketchy regarding this third installment, but we can safely assume Steve Carell will be back as the nefarious Gru—and we know he'll be working from a script written by Cinco Paul and Ken Daurio, who collaborated on the first two films.


    2012年的《普罗米修斯 Prometheus》票房和口碑双丰收,这部异形前传电影足足让影迷期待了20年,而它的续集《异形·契约 Alien: Covenant》更是吊足了观众的胃口。


    With 2012's Prometheus, Ridley Scott made his eagerly awaited return to the Alien franchise by way of a prequel that hinted at the long-ago beginnings of his blockbuster saga's story. Under the weight of decades' worth of sequels, spinoffs, and expectations, the end result couldn't help but disappoint some viewers, and in spite of a $400 million gross and largely positive reviews, there's a sense of unfinished business hanging over the sequel.
    Fans who feel Prometheus didn't tie into the Alien films strongly enough might be better served by Alien: Covenant, which brings back Michael Fassbender and Noomi Rapace to show what happens after they hijack an ancient spacecraft in order to venture to the homeworld of the mysterious Engineers and halt their plans for humanity.


    同样值得期待的还有,抖森的《金刚:骷髅岛 Kong: Skull Island》,艾玛·沃森的《美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast》,斯嘉丽约翰逊的 《攻壳机动队Ghost in Shell》 ,阿汤哥的《新木乃伊 The Mummy》等等。



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