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    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    It could be a misunderstanding.

    I wish I didn't have to hide the truth from our children.
    But the truth would be too painful.
    What we've seen from Elsa is terrifying, and it has to be stopped.
    They were scared of me. That's why they left, because they thought I was a monster.
    Nono, I won't believe it.
    I refuse to believe it.
    It's all right there.
    Is it?
    Because it doesn't say where they were going or what they were doing.
    It could be a misunderstanding.
    Anna, because of me they left.
    Because of me, they can't walk me


    down the aisle tomorrow.
    I'm so sorry.
    You don't have to be. It's not your fault.
    You're not a monster.
    I don't think so, this whole kingdom doesn't think so.
    And for sure, our parents didn't think so.
    And I will prove it.
    This diary is only part of the story.
    How do you know that?
    Because.... instinct?
    Okay, right. That's not enough.
    But there are more answers out there about what happened to them. I know it.
    And I know who can help us find them.
    My future in-laws.

    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       81浏览 评论(0)


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