• THG·自嘲的猫     懒人的词根音频复习unit2

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》





    Unit 2
    1. 词根:ag
    词根释义:do, go, lead, drive

    agitate ['ædʒiteit] v. 摇动;搅动;煽动
    litigate [‘litiɡeit] v.对簿法庭
    prodigal ['prɔdiɡəl] n. 浪子 adj.挥霍的
    synagogue ['sinəɡɔɡ] n.犹太人集会

    ❤️In a bloody and pointless war, lives are lost on a prodigal scale.


    2. 词根:ven/vent

    advent [‘ædvənt] n.到来;出现
    provenance ['prɔvənəns] n.出处;起源
    venturesome ['ventʃəsəm] adj. 冒险的;好冒险的
    venue [‘venju:] n.审判地;集合地点

    ❤️The advent of computer in the mid-20th century has promised to change our society profoundly.20世纪中叶计算机的出现引起了社会的深刻变革。
    ❤️Some paintings have been lost without a trace, leaving their provenance a mystery.有的画作无处寻踪,他们的起源还是个谜。
    ❤️America, perhaps with a touch of arrogance, likes to think of itself as a land of venturesome people.美国,兴许有些自大,总觉得本土尽是些冒险家。


    3. 词根:cap/cep/cip
    词根释义:take, seize

    reception [ri’sepʃən] n.接待
    incipient [in'sipiənt] adj.初期的
    perceptible [pə'septibl] adj. 可察觉的
    susceptible [sə’septəbl] adj. 易受影响的;容易感动的

    ❤️ An incipient career as an actor in New York tends to involve a lot of waiting on tables while waiting for auditions.在纽约,一个刚出道的演员在等待试镜前需要等待很长时间。
    ❤️ A perceptive person picks up hints and shades of meaning that others can’t perceive.洞察力强的人总是能捕捉到别人察觉不到的暗示和言语的细微差别。


    4. 词根:fin
    词根释义:end or boundary (最终;界限)

    affinity [ə’finəti] n.密切关系;吸引力;亲和力
    definitive [di’finitiv] adj. 决定性的;限定的
    infinitesimal [,infini'tesiməl] adj./n. 无穷小的;无穷小
    finite ['finit] n./adj. 有限之物;有限的

    ❤️ A strong affinity for another person may deepen into love. 迷恋一个人有可能会陷入爱河。
    ❤️ A definitive biography contains everything we’ll ever need to know about someone. 传记包含了我们想知道关于某人的所有事情。
    ❤️ It came as a shock to realize that world and national resources were finite rather than unlimited. 当意识到世界和国家的资源都是有限的,举世震惊。


    5. 词根:jac/jec
    词根释义:throw or hurl(用力投掷)

    adjacent [ə’dʒeisənt] adj.邻近的
    conjecture [kən'dʒektʃə] n./v.猜想
    dejected [di’dʒektid] adj. 沮丧的
    trajectory ['trædʒiktəri, trə'dʒek-] n.轨道

    ❤️ Anyone buying a house is naturally curious about who lives in the adjacent lots. 购房的人会很自然而然地想知道谁住在附近。
    ❤️ The trajectory of a whole life may be set in a person’s youth. 一生的轨迹可以在儿时就设定好。


    6. 词根:tract

    detract [di’trækt] v. 贬低;减去
    protracted [prəu'træktid] adj.拖延的
    retraction [ri'trækʃən] n.撤销;收回
    intractable [in'træktəbl] adj.棘手的

    ❤️ A protracted strike may cripple(削弱) a company, a protracted rainy spell(雨期) may rot the roots of vegetables.长期的罢工会削弱一个公司,长时的雨期会腐烂蔬菜的根部。
    ❤️ An intractable alcoholic goes back to the bottle immediately after “drying out”. 一个酒鬼一分钟都离不了酒。


    7. 词根:duc
    词根释义:to lead(引导;领导)

    conducive [kən’dju:siv] adj.有帮助的
    deduction [di'dʌkʃən] n.演绎;推断
    induce [in'dju:s] v. 诱导;引诱
    seduction [si'dʌkʃən] n.诱惑

    ❤️ Particular tax policies are often conducive to savings and investment, whereas others are conducive to consumer spending. 特定的税收政策对于储蓄和投资有帮助,反之其他政策有助于带动消费。
    ❤️ It’s revealed that she has been seduced by him. 她是被他引诱的,这件事情被揭露了出来。


    8. 词根:sec/sequ
    词根释义:to follow(跟随)

    consequential [,kɔnsi'kwenʃəl] adj. 重要的;间接的;随之发生的
    execute ['eksikju:t] v. 执行;处死
    obsequious [əb'si:kwiəs, ɔb-] adj. 谄媚的;奉承的
    sequential [si'kwenʃəl] adj.连续的;有顺序的

    ❤️ An artist execute a painting or sculpture only after having planned it first. 一个艺术家只有事先计划好才能着手一幅画或者一樽雕塑。
    ❤️ Obsequiousness has never been admired, but it has been often adopted as a good strategy. 不赞赏奉承行为,但是不失为一个好策略。
    ❤️ Most novels and films move sequentially, but some use techniques such as flashbacks that interpret the movement forward in time. 大部分小说和电影都是按时间推进的,但也有一些作品利用诸如倒叙这样的方式,从后往前叙事。

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