• THG·自嘲的猫     各自奔天涯(词根:dis)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Merriam-Webster’s Vocabulary Builder

    词根释义:apart (Latin); do the opposite of (English)

    1. diffraction [di'frækʃən]
    定义: (1) the bending or spreading of a beam of light especially when it passes through a narrow opening or is reflected from a ruled surface (2) similar changes in other waves, such as sound waves
    例句: Though the occurrence of diffraction, the thin bands of light passing through venetian blinds(百叶窗) become a sea of soft light on the opposite wall.
    单词中文意思及词性:diffraction n. 衍射
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:除了光线有衍射现象,声音也有,来看原文介绍:The diffraction of the sound waves bends them around the corner, so a conversation carried on in one room can be overheard in another.

    2. dissension [di'senʃən]
    定义: disagreement in opinion
    例句: There was so much dissension at the meeting that nothing got done, and went home angry.
    例句语法结构:there be句型
    单词中文意思及词性:dissension n. 纠纷;意见不合
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:这个词的动词形式是dissent。Dissension is a common feature of our political system.这个结构介绍大家背诵❤️[背诵]One party suggests…, and then the other party often dissents, arguing that…这个结构中注意party可以表示“一方...另一方”,suggest不止可以表示“建议;暗示”,还可以表示“认为”。而这个句子中的arguing非谓语动词做状语,整个句子十分自然。我来举个例子让大家加深一下印象:One party suggests women don’t need to save up, and then the other party often dissents, arguing that since women equal men so that they have to save money too.

    3. disseminate [di'semineit]
    定义: to spread widely as if by sowing seeds
    例句: Television and computer networks now make it possible to disseminate information throughout the world very quickly.
    单词中文意思及词性:disseminate v. 宣传;散布

    4. dissipate ['disipeit]
    定义: (1) to cause to spread out to the point of vanishing; disperse(分散)(2) to spend wastefully or foolishly
    例句: ❤️[背诵]The moderator’s(仲裁人)good humor slowly dissipate the tension that had filled the meeting room.
    单词中文意思及词性:dissipate v. 驱散;浪费
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:dissipate这个词强调的是慢慢地散去或消失。看一个很美丽的句子:❤️[背诵]The sun dissipates the morning mist.阳光驱散了晨雾。这个词还可以表示“挥霍;浪费”,某天经过买彩票的地方,门上赫然写着“早中晚中早晚要中”,也是醉。看个句子:A foolish lottery winner might dissipate his money in extravagant spending sprees, buying 18 Ferraris, say, or a lifetime supply of expensive imported underwear. 一个愚蠢的中彩票的人,是那种可能会大笔一挥买18辆法拉利,或者买够一辈子穿的进口内裤的那种家伙。extravagant这个词还记得吧,我们在本书第一个词就介绍过,“战前的奢侈生活”中提到过的“奢侈的”。


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