• THG·自嘲的猫     信什么,你就是什么(词根:cred)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    Merriam-Webster’s Vocabulary Builder

    词根释义:to believe
    词根背景知识补充:这个词根也不稀奇了,想想credit, (in)credible, credential这些词就了然了。

    1. credence ['kri:dəns]
    定义: mental acceptance of something as true or real
    例句: He scoffed(嘲笑) and said that no one still gives any credence to the story of the Loch Ness monster.
    例句中文翻译:他嘲笑道:“没人再相信尼斯湖水怪的故事了。”我们在这里看到的表达是❤️give credence to…相信……;得到某人的信任,可以表达成❤️gain credence
    单词中文意思及词性:credence n.信任;凭证
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:所以这个credence和belief有什么区别呢?它们很相近,但是credence没有和“信仰”挂钩,而是经常和谣言、报道、意见相关联。❤️[背诵]Stories about Elvis sightings persist, but they lack credence for most people.关于猫王的故事还流传着,但是大部分人都不信。这个句子是有典故的,我给查出来了:A considerable number of people believe that Elvis Presley did not die in 1977, but went into hiding for various reasons and is still alive.

    2. creditable ['kreditəbl]
    定义: worthy of praise
    例句: Even though the young team did not win the tournament, they turned in a creditable performance in the playoffs.
    例句语法结构:even though引导的让步状语从句
    单词中文意思及词性:creditable adj. 可信的;值得称赞的
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:注意一点,creditable doesn’t mean the same thing as credible.

    3. credulity [kri'du:liti]
    定义: readiness and willingness to believe on the basis of little evidence
    例句:Thrillers and action movies only succeed if they don’t stain our credulity too much.
    单词中文意思及词性:credulity n. 轻信;易受骗
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:有人曾把广告定义成“making dubious promises to a credulous public”,dubious表示”半信半疑的“,credulous是形容词性,所以广告就是“向轻信的大众做那些不着调的承诺”。

    4. creed [kri:d]
    定义: (1) a statement of the basic beliefs of a religious faith (2) a set of guiding principle or beliefs
    例句: She had made her money on Wall Street by following the simple creed: Buy low, sell high.
    单词中文意思及词性:creed n. 信条;教义
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:这个词当然是和很多宗教方面的东西挂钩的,比如说Apostles’ Creed使徒信条;核心信条表达成centeral creed.

    1970-01-01   19赞       0踩       260浏览 评论(3)
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