• iuNancy     电影院-日常生活用语学习??‍???‍???‍?

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    do we need to book? 我们需要预订吗?
    what tickets do you have available? 有什么票呢?
    I'd like two tickets, please 要两张,谢谢
    I'd like two tickets for … 我要两张……
    tomorrow night 明天晚上的
    next Saturday 下周六
    I'd like four tickets to see … 我要买四张……的票
    Les Misérables 《悲惨世界》
    I'm sorry, it's fully booked 不好意思,已经满座了
    sorry, we've got nothing left 不好意思,票都卖光了
    how much are the tickets? 票价多少?
    is there a discount for …? 有没有……折扣?
    students 学生
    senior citizens 老年人
    the unemployed 失业人士
    children 儿童
    where would you like to sit? 你想要什么位置的座位?
    near the front 靠近前面
    near the back 靠后
    somewhere in the middle 中间一点


    how would you like to pay? 你想要如何付款?
    can I pay by card? 我可以用卡吗?
    what's your card number? 你的卡号是什么?
    what's the expiry date? 什么时候过期?
    what's the start date? 什么时候开始有效期?
    what's the security number on the back? 卡背面的安全码是几号?
    please enter your PIN 请输入你的密码
    where do I collect the tickets? 在哪儿领票?
    the tickets were very cheap 这些票很便宜
    the tickets were expensive 这些票很贵

    Ticket office 售票处
    Box office 售票房
    Row 排
    Seat 座




    what's on at the cinema? 正在放映什么电影?
    is there anything good on at the cinema? 正在放映的有什么好片子吗?
    what's this film about? 这部电影是讲什么的?
    have you seen it? 你看过了吗?
    who's in it? 演员都有谁?
    it's … 这是一部……
    a thriller 恐怖片
    a comedy 喜剧
    a romantic comedy 爱情喜剧
    a horror film 恐怖片
    a documentary 纪录片
    an animation 动画片
    a war film 战争篇
    a western 西部片
    a science fiction film 科幻片
    a foreign film 外国片
    it's in … 语言是……的
    French 法语
    Spanish 西班牙语
    with English subtitles 有英文字幕
    it's just been released 刚刚才上映
    it's been out for about two months 已经上映两个月了
    it's meant to be good 应该是不错的



    shall we get some popcorn? 我们买点爆米花吧?
    salted or sweet? 咸的还是甜的?
    do you want anything to drink? 你想不想喝点什么?
    where do you want to sit? 你想坐在哪儿?
    near the back 靠后
    near the front 靠前
    in the middle 中间




    what did you think? 你觉得如何?
    I enjoyed it 我感觉不错
    it was great 这电影非常棒
    it was really good 这电影真的很好
    it wasn't bad 这电影一般般
    I thought it was rubbish 我觉得烂透了
    it was one of the best films I've seen for ages 这是我很久以来看过最好的电影
    it had a good plot 情节很好
    the plot was quite complex 情节有点复杂
    it was too slow-moving 进展太慢了
    it was very fast-moving 进展很快
    the acting was … 演技很……
    excellent 棒
    good 好
    poor 差
    terrible 糟
    he's a very good actor 他是一个很好的演员
    she's a very good actress 她是一个很好的演员

    Screen 荧幕



    #资源都选自网络~just for practice 👩🏼‍🏫发音错误请大家多多指正喔#

    1970-01-01   1赞       1踩       475浏览 评论(0)
女 资深龙套lv16


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