• YvonneX     Musicality

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    Happy Friday! I hope you are having a great day so far. What's your plan for the weekend?

    I am someone who is extremely passionate about music. However, I wouldn't consider myself as a musician at all. I used to play cello when I was a kid, but somehow I gave up on that. I used to be in the school's choir, but I flunked my auditions for my college's a cappella groups.


    I still love to sing, though I wouldn't call myself a great singer. Singing for me has changed drastically since I graduated from high school. The location of my singing has changed from a real stage to either my bathroom or the karaoke apps on my iPhone. I don't get to perform for many people on some special occasions anymore. Also, I don't get to hear the applause anymore 👏 It's kinda sad, huh?



    But I didn't stop right there. I realized that I am also very passionate about introducing music to others. It makes me very excited when people appreciate the music that I introduced to them. That's why I declared a minor of radio, and started my own show on the school's radio station.


    I found it extremely difficult to sing on this app. I'm surprised at how the app chops up the lyrics and makes everyone's life difficult. I'm unable to sing like that because I failed to feel the musicality in the songs.


    If you are interested, feel free to visit me on 全民K歌, which is a karaoke app made by Tencent.😋(http://kg.qq.com/node/personal?uid=64949e8c212d33)

    What should I talk about next time? Let me know in the comments section. Have a wonderful weekend! ✌️

    1970-01-01   6赞       0踩       945浏览 评论(9)


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