• YvonneX     LA LA LAND

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    When political correctness strikes again, all of a sudden La La Land becomes the worst thing ever. Can we simply just enjoy the movie and not talk about politics?


    My love for La La Land is more than words can describe. I took a class called "History of Jazz" in college, and it changed my world forever. I was so passionate about jazz after taking that class that I even visited the place where jazz was born, and it was one of the best trips ever.


    New Orleans is a magical place. You are literally soaked in jazz when you are simply walking around the city. I didn't even know that jazz weddings and funerals existed before. Well, the more you know... :) oh and there's no such thing as New Orleans style wings.
    新奥尔良是个神奇的地方。走在街上真的是浸泡于爵士乐中。去之前我都不知道爵士婚礼和爵士葬礼的存在。果然凡事都需要略懂一二哈哈。哦… 而且新奥尔良…并没有烤翅。


    I'm sure you still remember the awkwardness when the Oscar's best picture was given to the wrong movie. It's like Steve Harvey 2.0 was born or something. I'm not a huge fan of Steve Harvey, but that's another story.
    你应该还记得奥斯卡最佳影片搬错奖的尴尬吧。感觉就是史蒂夫·哈维2.0的诞生… 不过那是另一个故事了。(不懂这个梗的可以搜索环球小姐乌龙)


    To wrap things up, I'm gonna sing a couple lines from La La Land. Please be gentle with your criticism.
    好啦,收个尾,我来唱两句La La Land里面的歌。请轻喷。


    (It's allergy season for me so my singing voice is not perfect ok?)


    (I'm very self-conscious about my own voice...)


    我准备好掉粉了… 再见

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