• Mercury-7000岁     Happy B day to my CP---- Candice!???

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    ✨我苓生日快乐!20岁的姑娘要一直酷下去 👦

    ✨最近一直折腾各种论文和小组作业 上次跟你聊天你说你的事情也是比较多 总之祝学业顺利 咱们之前定好的目标都能比较满意的实现!

    ✨环境有限 这儿只有尬念一幕 选择莎翁早期喜剧 《维洛那二绅士》的line 自作主张微调了一下说话对象的名字,不喜轻喷➿


    What light is light, if ➿Candice be not seen?

    What joy is joy, if ➿Candice be not by?

    Unless it be to think that she is by

    And feed upon the shadow of perfection

    Except I be by ➿Candice in the night,

    There is no music in the nightingale;

    Unless I look on ➿Candice in the day,

    There is no day for me to look upon;

    She is my essence, and I leave to be,

    If I be not by her fair influence

    Foster'd, illumined, cherish'd, kept alive.

    I fly not death, to fly his deadly doom:

    Tarry I here, I but attend on death:

    But, fly I hence, I fly away from life.


    1970-01-01   73赞       1踩       4552浏览 评论(73)
男 影帝lv57


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