• 萌蛋妹纸_丹     与食物有关习语

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    1.书呆子a very studious person, intellectually gifted in the field of academics, a very intelligent person十分用功,在某学术领域有天赋之人I think Jane will do well in her finals. She has always been a kind of egghead from elementary school all the way through college.我相信,简在总决赛一定会有出色的表现。从小学到大学,她一直都很努力。2.Big cheese
    2.重要人物an important and influential person十分关键有影响力的人Do you know Peter? He’s a big cheese at the company, he may help you to get a good job there.你认识皮特么?他是公司里举足轻重的人物,也许能帮你在这谋得一份工作。3.Couch potato
    3.沙发土豆a very lazy person who watches too much TV极为懒惰的人,整日看电视My uncle is a couch potato, you never see him without the remote control in his hand.我的叔叔极为懒惰,遥控器整日不离手。4.Tough cookie
    4.坚定的人a very determined person, a person who is difficult to deal with有主意的人,非常坚定,不易改变There is a tough cookie on the phone, he insists to talk to the manager, shall I put him through?电话那边的人坚持要跟经理讲话,我能这么做吗?5.Top banana
    5.大老板leader, boss, the chief person in a group, the head of a project领导、老板、小组里的核心人物、项目的关键人物I don’t know when we’ll finish, ask Jack, he’s the top banana here.我不知道什么时候完成,问问杰克吧,他是这里的负责人。6.Bad apple
    6.坏家伙troublemaker, criminal惹麻烦的人,罪犯He’s a real bad apple. If I were you, I wouldn’t let my daughter go out with him.他不是什么好人。我要是你,绝不会让女儿跟这种人谈恋爱。7.Sour grapes
    7.酸葡萄pretending to dislike something that you can’t have吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸The losers say they don’t mind that they couldn’t win the cup, but I’m sure this is only sour grapes.cn]虽然失败者总说自己不介意与奖杯失之交臂,但是我确定他们只是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。[/cn]8.Lemon law
    8.伪劣商品赔偿法an American law that protects those who buy defective cars or other consumer goods用来保护那些购买到有缺陷的汽车或其他残次消费品的美国法律Unfortunately, his new car had an engine defect, but he received a complete refund in accordance with the lemon law.真不幸,他的新汽车引擎有缺陷,但是根据伪劣商品赔偿法,他将收到全额退款。9.A bun in the oven
    9.胎儿This expression is used when somebody is pregnant.用来描述某人怀孕。I have a bun the oven, the baby is due in 7 months.我怀孕了,胎儿预计七月出生。10.Bring home the bacon
    10.养家糊口This idiom describes a person who earns a living or provides financial support to the home.用来描述挣钱养家之人。You need to find a good job and bring home the bacon.你得找份工作养家糊口。11.Cheesy
    11.俗气的Describes something that is tacky, silly, inauthentic or cheap.用来描述缺乏教养或风度、不明事理,赝品或廉价品。That cliche was so cheesy and expected.那份说辞和预想的一样虚伪。
    12.Full of beans
    12.精力充沛的This describes somebody that is excited about something or very energetic and lively.用来描述某人对某事兴奋不已,或充满活力。The kids were full of beans after the birthday party.生日会结束后,孩子们仍然兴奋不已。13.A Piece of cake
    13.小菜一碟This describes something that is really easy to do or takes very little effort.用来描述做某事很容易,不费吹灰之力便可完成。The exam was a piece of cake. I knew all the answers, I was finished within half an hour.对我来说,这场考试简直是小菜一碟。每道题我都会,不到半小时就做完了。
    14.Spill the beans
    14.说漏嘴This idiom is used when somebody tells a secret that they shouldn’t have.用来描述某人道出本不应泄露的秘密。Spill the beans, how did you know the answer to the mathematics question?快说说,你是怎么知道这道数学题的答案的?15.Take with a pinch of salt
    15.将信将疑This idiom is used when somebody is skeptical about something or someone.用来描述某人对某事或某人半信半疑。The statistics in the report need to be interpreted with a pinch of salt as they don’t include all the factors.由于未衡量全部因素,这些数据并非完全可信。
    16.Butter up
    16.阿谀奉承This idiom is used when somebody flatters somebody else, usually because they want something from them.用来描述讨好某人,尤其是希望从某人那里得到好处。The employer buttered up to the manager as he wanted to be promoted to the new position in work.这位雇员努力讨好经理,希望自己能够得到提升。

    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       188浏览 评论(0)
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