• 萌蛋妹纸_丹     生活大爆炸

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    1. How come…?

    How come you never showed up last night?你昨晚为什么没来呢?2. Get canned

    被炒鱿鱼Mark finally got canned last week, because he was always late for work.Mark上个礼拜终于被炒鱿鱼了,因为他上班老是迟到。
    3. a billion-dollar idea

    Mark: It is a million-dollar idea to invent a machine which can turn any film into its 3D version.Spoon: Such thing doesn’t exist.Mark: 如果能发明一台机器,能将任何电影做成3D,那真是太棒了!Spoon:这种机器是不存在的。 4. Mum’s the word

    保密It is between you and me, just mum’s the word.这是我们之间的秘密,千万不要到处乱说。5. Piss sb off

    惹某人生气Don’t piss me off, or I am gonna make you pay.别惹到我,否则有你好看。 6. Problem solved!

    All I need to do is analyze some data, and after that, problem solved!现在我要做的就是分析下数据,分析完后,问题就解决啦!7. Look out

    当心!Look out! There is a car coming.当心!有车子过来了。想学习更多英语知识,请关注口袋英语aikoudaiyy8. Old school

    You don’t marry her because your parents’ disproval? That is so old school!因为父母不同意,你就不和她结婚?你也太传统了吧!9. Penny for you thought

    You look unhappy, penny for your thought?你好像不开心,想什么呢?10. Ask sb out

    I ask her out last night and I really think this can turn into something serious!我昨晚约她出去了,我觉得我们有戏。11 How’d it go with…

    How’d it go with your date with Kim last night?昨天晚上你和Kim的约会怎么样啊?12. Hang out with sb

    和某人一起玩I like to hang out with my friends in the coffee house in the weekend.周末我喜欢和朋友们在咖啡馆聚一聚。 13. Got it!

    明白了,知道了Mark: Come over at six o’clock, understand?Spoon: Got it!Mark: 六点过来,知道吗?Spoon: 了解!14. things will pick up!

    Mark: I lose my job last weekSpoon: Don’t worry, things will pick up.Mark: 上个礼拜我被炒鱿鱼了!Spoon:别担心,一切都会好的。15. car sick

    During my journey, the worst nightmare was my car sick.整个旅途中,最痛苦的就是晕车了。

    1970-01-01   2赞       1踩       662浏览 评论(1)
女 入行配角lv23


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