• AustinChen_11     Lose Yourself----to my best friend

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    As you can see ,the sky is blue and the air is fresh.What a beautiful day it is.And it's the first time for me to use English in passage.I know there are many problems in this passage because of my poor English silk.
    But I wilk still tell you,you can do anythings set your mind!


    If someone said you can't do something when you started try it,and you just need to tell him:you are beautiful!


    And if you are numb in these time,just remember some good times,such like played with best friends or somethings else.

    Finally,darling I hope you can work out anything in you daily time.I carry your heart with me,I carry it in my heart!!

    1970-01-01   3赞       0踩       741浏览 评论(2)
男 入行龙套lv5


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