• Jessie带你练口语     1.18 特色菜

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》


    Waitress: Hi,here is your coffee.

    Tom: Thanks.It has milk and sugar ,right ?

    Waitress: Sure does.Now ,What can I get you ?

    Tom: I'm not sure ,what specials do you have today ?

    Waitress: Our special today is pan-fried catfish with mashed potatoes.

    Tom: I don't really like fish ,what other specials do you have ?

    Waitress: Our house steak is also excellent ,we serve it with a red wine sauce.

    Tom: Oh ,that sounds great. I think I'll have a steak today.

    Waitress: How would you like your steak done ?

    Tom: what are my opinions?

    Waitress: Rare, medium-rare,well done ...

    Tom: Medium -rare ,please.

    Waitress: Coming right up.

    Tom: Thanks


    1970-01-01   2赞       0踩       111浏览 评论(0)
女 女二号lv40


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