• Jessie带你练口语     1.24 新鲜披萨

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    John: Hi Bella ,how was class ?

    Bella: I didn't go,I slept through my alarm .

    John: Oh ,no !You shouldn't miss class !

    Bella: I know ,I know .let's go find a table ,OK ?

    John: There is an empty table over by the windows.let's go grab it !

    Bella: Got it .I will guard it while you guys go and get food .

    John: Do you want us to get you anything ?

    Bella: What's good today ?

    John: It looks like they have some fresh pizza today ...

    Bella: Oh, that's sounds perfect .Grab me a few slices , will you?

    John: OK ,wait here ,John ,you want to get us some drinks?

    Bella: I'm on it.


    1970-01-01   1赞       0踩       136浏览 评论(0)
女 女二号lv40


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