• THG·Akashic     【四速】20180501 BBC One-Minute World News

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》








    以色列总理内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)周一(4月30日)举行记者会,表示以色列手上拥有大量证据,证明伊朗一直说谎。他表示德黑兰方面实际上藏有核武,并把研究设施迁到秘密地点,让人难以找到。


    对于伊朗隐瞒核计划内容,内塔尼亚胡表示德黑兰方面在2015签定核协议后,增加收藏秘密档案速度,更在去年将有关资料藏于德黑兰一个非常隐蔽地方。他提到伊朗正开展一个名为阿马德(Project Amad)的计划,以测试、研发及生产捣蛋,明显意图进一步加强孩飞弹的射程及威力。该计划虽然被指早在2003年中断,但伊朗从没放弃有关试验。




    不过美国盟友法国和德国则呼吁特朗普三思,法国总统马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)及德国总理默克尔(Angela Merkel)在4月底分别到访白宫,游说特朗普在伊朗核协议「袋住先」,认为即使协议不完美,总好过没协议。

    特朗普同日在与尼日利亚总统布哈里(Muhammadu Buhari)的一场联合记者会上被问及有关内塔尼亚胡的演讲,他未有正面回应华府会否退出伊朗核协议,但重申美国愿意与各方签订新的核协议,又认为退出现有的核协议可向朝鲜发出正面讯息。



    枢机主教(cardinal)位望崇隆,向来有“教会的王子”之称。如今佩尔(George Pell)不但遭到性侵指控,而且必须受审,换言之,天主教会“刑不上枢机”的现象已成往事,震撼可想而知。

    本案在墨尔本(Melbourne)历经4个星期的预审(preliminary hearing),澳洲籍的佩尔被指控数十年前在维多利亚省(Victoria)多次性侵信徒,治安法官华林顿(Belinda Wallington)虽然驳回一部分指控,但仍裁定佩尔必须为其余的指控受审,由陪审团决定其命运,开审日期2日宣布。


    目前外界已知佩尔被指控1970年代末期在家乡巴拉瑞特(Ballarat)担任神父时,曾在游泳池“不当触摸”2名少年。佩尔也被指控1990年代担任墨尔本总主教时,曾在圣派翠克大教堂(St Patrick's Cathedral)性侵多名信徒。佩尔至今矢口否认所有指控。

    佩尔出生于1941年,1966年12月成为神父,1971年取得英国牛津大学(University of Oxford)哲学博士,先后担任墨尔本总主教、雪梨(Sydney)总主教,2003年由时任教宗若望保禄二世(Pope John Paul II)擢升为位望崇隆的枢机主教。

    2013年教宗方济各(Pope Francis)即位之后,对佩尔相当倚重,2014年2月任命他为经济秘书处主席(Secretariat for the Economy),这个职位相当于经济部长兼财政部长,掌控梵蒂冈财经命脉。



    澳洲“皇家儿童性侵案体制回应调查委员会”(Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse)去年12月公布的报告显示,过去数十年来,澳洲有7%的天主教士被指控性侵儿童,相当于每14名神父就有1人涉案。佩尔2016年出席这个调查委员会作证时,坦承自己会褊袒被指控性侵的神父。


    亚美尼亚反对派领袖帕辛扬(Nikol Pashinyan)的大约2万名支持者,今天(1日)走上首都叶里凡(Yerevan)的市中心广场示威。帕辛扬警告国会中的议员,如果不选举他出任总理,将会发生动乱。



    亚美尼亚这波政治危机,肇因于担任10年总统的萨奇席恩(Serzh Sarkisian),这个月卸任后随即当选总理。而依据他自己先前推动的修宪,亚美尼亚改为内阁制,使得总理成为权力最大的人,让他得以继续掌政。此种举措引发反对派抗议,在连续11天大规模民众示威的压力下,萨奇席恩在23日请辞总理职务。


    A diet high in carbs could bring on an earlier menopause, a study suggests.

    Eating lots of pasta and rice was associated with reaching menopause one-and-a-half years earlier than the average age of women in the UK of 51.

    However, the University of Leeds study of 914 UK women, also found that a diet rich in oily fish and peas and beans may delay natural menopause.

    But experts say many other factors, including genes, influence timing of the menopause.

    It's not clear how big a contribution dietary choices might make and women should not worry about changing what they eat based on the findings, they add.

    Food findings
    The research was published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health and the women were asked what their typical diet contained.

    A diet high in legumes, which includes peas, beans, lentils and chickpeas, delayed menopause by one-and-a-half years, on average.

    Eating lots of refined carbs, particularly rice and pasta, was linked to menopause coming earlier by one-and-a-half years.

    The researchers took into account other potentially influencing factors, such as a woman's weight, reproductive history and use of HRT, but they weren't able to consider genetic factors, which can influence age of menopause.

    The study is observational and cannot prove any cause, but the researchers offer some possible explanations behind their findings.

    For example, legumes contain antioxidants, which may preserve menstruation for longer.

    Omega-3 fatty acids, which are in oily fish, also stimulate antioxidant capacity in the body.

    Refined carbs boost the risk of insulin resistance, which can interfere with sex hormone activity and boost oestrogen levels. This might increase the number of menstrual cycles leading to the egg supply running out faster.

    Health implications
    Study co-author Janet Cade, professor of nutritional epidemiology, said the age at which menopause begins can have "serious health implications" for some women.

    "A clear understanding of how diet affects the start of natural menopause will be very beneficial to those who may already be at risk or have a family history of certain complications related to menopause."

    Women who go through the menopause early are at increased risk of osteoporosis and heart disease, while women who go through it late are at increased risk of breast, womb, and ovarian cancers.

    Kathy Abernethy, menopause specialist nurse and chairwoman of the British Menopause Society, said: "This study doesn't prove a link with the foods mentioned, but certainly contributes to the limited knowledge we currently have on why some women go through menopause earlier than others."

    Prof Saffron Whitehead, emeritus professor of endocrinology at St George's University of London and Society for Endocrinology member, said: "It is an interesting approach to investigate the timing of the menopause but I am not yet convinced that diet alone can account for the age of the onset of the menopause. There are too many other factors involved."

    Dr Channa Jayasena, clinical senior lecturer and consultant in reproductive endocrinology and andrology at Imperial College, points out "the body's metabolism plays an important role regulating ovulation and having periods".

    "It is tempting to speculate that this provides a recipe for delaying menopause. Unfortunately, a big limitation of these observational studies, is their inability to prove that dietary behaviour actually causes early menopause. Until we have that type of proof, I see no reason for people to change their diet."

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