• Fancy呀     小复习2

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    一周一复习 ~~

    This is BBC World News.The headlines:

    NASA has successfully launched
    a one-point-five billion dollar mission
    to send a satellite closer to the sun
    than ever before.

    Expected to reach speeds of
    690 thousand per hour.

    THE Parker Soler Probe
    will become the fastest-ever
    man-made object.

    People in Mali are voting
    in an presidential election run-off
    which is widely expected to be won
    by the current President
    Ibrahim Boubarcar Keita.

    It follows a first-round vote marred
    by security fears
    and allegations of fraud.

    A deal to devide the oil and gas reserves
    has been signed by
    Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan,
    Turkministan and Kazakhstan.

    President Putin hailed the agreement
    as a 'milestone'.

    And tributes have been paid
    to the Nobel Prize-winner
    British author VS Naipal
    at the age of 85.

    Much of his work foscused
    on the traumas
    of post-colonial change in Trinidad.

    2 泰坦尼克号

    No cavier for me .Thanks .
    Never did like it much.

    Well. Right now,
    my address is the RMS Titanic.
    After that, I'm on God's good humor.

    l work from place to place.
    You know, stramp steamer and such.

    But l won my ticket on Titanic here
    at a lucky hand at pocker,
    a very lucky hand.


    Oh Yes Ma'am. l do ~

    l mean.l've got everything l need
    right here with me.

    l have air in my lungs
    and a few blank sheets of paper.

    l mean, l love waking up in the morning
    not knowing what's gonna happen or
    who l'm gonna meet,
    where l'm gonna wind up.

    Just the other night
    l was sleeping under a bridge.
    And now, here l am
    on the grandest ship in the world
    having champagne with you fine people.

    l'll take more of that.

    l figure life is a gift
    and l don't intend on wasting it.

    You never know what hand
    you're gonna get dealt next.

    You learn to take life as it comes at you.
    Here you go. Cal.

    To make each day count.

    3. 抖森读诗~

    l'll love you till the ocean is folded and hung up to dry... 好有画面感~

    ln the burrows of the Nightmare,
    where Justice naked is,
    Time watches from the shadow,
    and coughs when you would kiss.

    4 Messi

    reckless tackles 粗鲁地铲球

    结束一周学习 遇见很多好段子

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