• Icy·水晶     【IcyStudio】广告独白x4

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    美国通用电气公司(General Electric Company,简称GE,创立于1892年,又称奇异公司,NYSE:GE),是世界上最大的提供技术和服务业务的跨国公司。自从托马斯•爱迪生创建了通用电气公司以来,GE在公司多元化发展当中逐步成长为出色的跨国公司。

    GE的品牌口号是“梦想启动未来”(Imagination At Work)。下面是GE公司的两个广告独白!
    1、New solutions turn big companies into fast companies.(有趣的段子)

    2、Discover GE Healthcare.(医疗保健)

    3、Never Stop Questioning.(励志)

    4、Charlie and his sister use ClearScore to start afresh with their finances in the new year. Meanwhile, Moose is sad that his favourite time of the year has come to an end.(狗狗好可怜但又好可爱哈哈哈)

    1970-01-01   54赞       0踩       3496浏览 评论(35)
女 女一号lv48


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